Elias Aguirre 
Multidisciplinary artist, dancer, choreographer, photographer and audiovisual artist.
Elías Aguirre holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Master’s Degree in Performing Arts from the Rey Juan Carlos University.
He has furthered his training at the Real Conservatorio Profesional de Danza de Madrid, in Graphic Design (TAI), Scenic Photography (with Fernando Marcos) and Recording and editing of nature documentaries (with Luis Miguel Domínguez). His passion for dance has led him to delve into different styles of dance such as the urban dance, butoh, clown and puppet manipulation.
He was a member of the original Mayumana show , He has performed with various artists of music, dance, theater and has participated in films as a dancer.
In 2008 he began to create his own projects in collaboration with leading choreographers and dancers. Some of these projects have received important international awards and have been performed in festivals on five continents.
In 2010, it became part of the Resident companies of the Madrid City Council as Cía. Elías Aguirre. Her works are characterized by the convergence of contemporary dance techniques, urban dance, gestural theater are characterized by the convergence of contemporary dance techniques, urban dance, gestural theater and a strong inspiration in nature.
She has won numerous awards such as 1st Prize in Performing Arts ADAE 2009, 1st Prize in the Burgos-New York 2010 Contest, 1st Prize in the Alicia Alonso Ibero-American Contest 2010, Culture Prize Madrid City Council 2010, 2nd Prize in the Madrid Choreography Contest 2011, Prize for the best choreographic material Unidanza 2012, Audience Award and 2nd Prize in the Danzaxtrema 2020 Contest.
Visiting professor at multiple national and international centers in Asia, Europe and America. He has choreographed for several American companies such as Company E of Washington, LA Contemporary Dance Company of Los Angeles or La Compañía Nacional de Ecuador, among others.
She has also taught at national public and private centers such as the Conservatorio Superior de Danza de Madrid “María de Ávila”, the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, the Universidad Europea de Madrid, the Universidad de Cáceres, the Conservatorio de Málaga, the Conservatorio de Burgos, the ESAD de Extremadura and the Centro Actúa de AISGE.
He combines his choreographic creations with workshops, exhibitions, photography and video-dance projects, the direction of the “Cuerpo Romo” festival and the direction of the “Vallecas Danza” contest.
He has received support from the Community of Madrid, the Madrid City Council and creative residencies at the Teatros del Canal, as well as from other institutions for performances abroad, such as the Instituto Cervantes, Embassies, Consulates, Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), AECID, AISGE, INAEM and SGAE.
Creator and director of the CUERPO ROMO festival in Madrid.
🡪 Creator of the photography and videodance project IMBERMOVES.
Creator of the VALLECAS DANZA Contest (5 editions).
🡪 Co-director of Entomo EA&AE.
🡪 Collaborations with musical groups, musicians and other choreographers and artists such as: Baselab, Dremen, Xoel López, ED is DEAD, Jorge da Rocha, Manuel Rodríguez, etc.
🡪 2nd Prize at the Certamen Unidanza 2012 with “Longfade”.
🡪 1st Prize in the Burgos New York Contest 2010 with the piece “entomo”.
🡪 1st Prize in the Certamen Iberoamericano de Alicia Alonso CIC 2010 with “Entomo”.
🡪 2nd Prize in the Choreographic Contest of Madrid 2011 with the piece “Escuálido Marsupial”. In addition to Prize of the Conservatorio Superior and Residence in the ship El Duende”, Cáceres.
Prize of the Conservatorio Superior de Danza de Madrid, Audience Award and Residency at the Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid 2009 with the piece “entomo”.
🡪 Madrid Culture Award for career 87grillos 2010. Awarded by the Mayor of Madrid.
🡪 3rd Prize video-dance in the Capturadanza Contest of Teatro Madrid 2009 with video of “entomo”.
🡪 1st Prize Certamen internacional de danza y artes escénicas ADAE Alcobendas 2009, “ligth park”, extract of 87grillos.
🡪 1st prize in the IV Dance Marathon of Madrid 2005 (together with dancers from the conservatory).
🡪 1st prize breakdance scenic (choreographer), April 20, 2002, (Bilbao).
Institutions collaborating with Cía. Elias Aguirre